
I know longer care about life

I know longer care about death

All I have ever wanted was a father

One who loved and protected me

Kept me safe from harm

As time passes

I hope this wish will fade

This dream of him and I

Instead I sit here in agony

Wondering why I feel so empty

Wondering why I feel so lost

My memories a double-edged sword

They bring me strength

They bring me pain

Most of all they show me

What I can never have

What I will never gain

That is the love a father has for his daughter

Unconditional and true

I cannot count how many times I have wished for that father

I cannot count how many times I have wished for you



8 thoughts on “Father

  1. My dear friend

    All may go away, all friend, even the spouse, the relatives, but there will be always ONE in you, He will never leave you, neither here, nor beyond – this is your really true Father…
    Listen to your heart, to your inner thin voice – then you can hear Him.

    All the best and hugs from my heart

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