Drift Apart

Can you find love that you thought you lost

Can you fix what has been broken

Without retracting words once spoken

Can you find forgiveness in your heart

Or do you slowly drift apart


Image Source https://www.flickr.com/photos/skim_michigan/

12 thoughts on “Drift Apart

  1. pity most lovers don’t ask these pertinent questions – when there’s still time. when they drift apart some go on to savage the memory of whatever bliss there was in the friendship. the pain is not in staying together or drifting apart – the pain is in thinking and not forgetting you were wronged. nice post.

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  2. Pingback: Curated Poetry: Ward Clever Cuts A New Path – Ward Clever

  3. That’s hard. I think you just have to be utterly honest and start over if you want to work on the relationship. You won’t be starting from zero but you have to learn and fall in love again. And this love will be different, it has to be because you are different. Sorry, I’ve been giving a lot of this type of advice lately. Love the new look!

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