Fade Away

I am so lost and alone

I want to fade away into nothing

I want to stop existing

Feel no pain

Have no thought

Just a shadow 

Lost forever in the dark

Take all that I have

Take all that I was

I no longer care

Crush out the spark

Crush out my hope

Crush my dreams

Just let me go

Give me peace

I want to feel my breath grow shallow

I want to feel my body drift away

Even my love does not see

That there is nothing left of me

When one can sleep so soundly

While the other suffers so

It makes me want to tell darkness

To just take the spark, blow it out, and let me go




16 thoughts on “Fade Away

  1. but what about if that storms kept going strong and you felt just let go let the maelstrom take you where it wants you. question is, will it let you or can it strengthen you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wishing you both strength and peace. I too understand the feeling of just wanting to not be, to get a bit of a break from working so hard to get through a day. Hang on ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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